Rat Control in Saffron Walden | Pest Control

Think you might require rat control in Saffron Walden but not sure? One of the questions we get asked the most when people enquire about our rat removal services is “How do I know if I have rats?”. Unfortunately the answer isn’t always as simple as “If you’ve seen one!”, just because you haven’t physically seen a rat, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

There are several different signs you can look for and places to look for them which we’ll outline below:

  • Rat Droppings; these look like black “tic-tac sized” droppings, which if fresh (>24hrs) will be wet/shiny.
  • Smear Marks; black greasy streaks along wall junctions, bricks or around entry holes, caused by prolonged use of the same route which rats have been using.
  • Runs; smooth lines of grass or dirt that have been smoothed out over long periods by repeated use by rats.
  • Scratching noises; noises heard in roof spaces or wall cavities between dusk & dawn can be an indicator of rat activity
  • Increased bird food consumption; is not one that people often think about but rats are well known for stealing from bird feeders, so if you’ve noticed you’re getting through more than usual, this could be due to rats.

We feel the best rat treatment is proofing and prevention, many different factors that can attract rodents such as mice & rats. We’ve listed some of these below that our technicians regularly find have encouraged rats to a site and have led to our customers having to fall on our pest control services.

  • Chickens/Livestock – the act of keeping livestock is not what encourages rats, but the practices of how the owners feed them. As rats are nocturnal and usually feed between dusk & dawn, leaving excess feed out at night or throwing it on the ground can greatly increase your chances of an infestation. We advise only putting down the required amount of feed and clearing any excess up at night to discourage rats.
  • Rubbish/Debris – like humans, rats need somewhere to stay, so places with large amounts of rubbish, building supplies or log piles provide the ideal harbourage. To minimise risk we always advise placing any bin bags in metal bins or at least keeping them off the ground, building supplies are always best organised in containers where possible.
  • Broken Air Bricks/Masonry – it’s not a matter of if, but when will rats get inside? These are clever creatures that are not to be underestimated, broken air bricks, masonry or gaps around pipework provide rodents with the perfect opportunity to come inside. Air brick covers, chicken wire and cement can be used to block up any potential entry points.

All our technicians are fully-trained and have a combined experience of over 50 years so if you’ve been unable to control rats yourself or would just prefer the reassurance of professional help, we offer rat control in Saffron Walden and surrounding villages.

Call us on 01787 477804 or visit our website exterminate.uk